1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) (2024)

Best Chinese Music - 中国经典音乐 - v4.03, Dr. Herong Yang

Best Chinese Music - 中国经典音乐

1950 - 1999: Best Music in the Second Half of the 20th Century

1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix

Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix, Suona (唢呐) Solo, composed by Ren Tongxiang from folk tunes (任同祥). Originally performed by Ren Tongxiang (任同祥).

1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) (1)
Year: 1953Title: Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤, Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix, Phoenix and Birds)Composer: Ren Tongxiang (任同祥)Original Performer: Ren Tongxiang (任同祥)Genre: Suona (唢呐) Solo



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Table of Contents

About This Book

2000 - 2099: Best 21st Century Music

1950 - 1999: Best Music in the Second Half of the 20th Century

1995 - Tian Bu Xia Yu ... (天不下雨,天不刮风,天上有太阳) - No Rain, No Wind, Only Sunshine

1994 - Qing Zang Gao Yuan (青藏高原) - Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

1994 - Qian Fu De Ai (纤夫的爱) - The Love Boat Tracker

1993 - Tao Sheng Yi Jiu (涛声依旧) - Wave Still

1991 - Hao Ren Yi Sheng Ping An (好人一生平安) - All Is Well for Good Man

1988 - Huang Tu Gao Po (黄土高坡) - Yellow Earth of the High Plateau

1987 - Wo Xiang You Ge Jia (我想有个家) - I Want a Home

1986 - Zai Xi Wang De Tian Ye Shang (在希望的田野上) - In the Field of Hope

1986 - Zhang Sheng Xiang Qi (掌声响起) - A Singer's Applause

1985 - Wo Men De Sheng Huo ... (我们的生活充满阳光) - Our Lives Are Full of Sunshine

1984 - Shi Wu De Yue Liang (十五的月亮) - The Moon on the 15th

1984 - Gu Xiang De Yun (故乡的云) - The Cloud of Hometown

1984 - Meng Tuo Ling (梦驼铃) - Dream of Camel Ring

1982 - Na Jiu Shi Wo (那就是我) - That Is Me

1982 - Quan Shui Ting Dong Xiang (泉水叮咚响) - Bubbling Spring

1981 - Zai Na Tao Hua Sheng Kai ... (在那桃花盛开的地方) - The Place Where the Peach Blossoms

1980 - Wo Ai Ni Zhong Quo (我爱你中国) - I Love You, China

1980 - Jun Gang Zhi Ye (军港之夜) - Night at a Military Port

1980 - Nian Qing De Peng You ... (年轻的朋友来相会) - Young Friends Come Together

1980 - Mei Li De Xin Ling (美丽的心灵) - The Most Beautiful Heart

1980 - Qing Chen Wo Men Ta Shang Xiao Dao (清晨我们踏上小道) - Morning on Country Road

1979 - Rong Hua (绒花) - Velvet Flowers

1979 - Xiang Lian (乡恋) - Love from Hometown

1979 - Gan Lan Shu (橄榄树) - Olive Tree

1979 - Tian Mi Mi (甜蜜蜜) - Honey Sweet

1977 - Bian Jiang De Quan Shui ... (边疆的泉水清又纯) - The Pure and Clean Spring on the Frontier

1976 - Mei Li De Cao Yuan Wo De Jia (美丽的草原我的家) - The Beautiful Grassland Is My Homeland

1976 - Zhan Ma Ben Teng (战马奔腾) - Battle Steeds Galloping Ahead

1975 - Miao Ling De Zao Chen (苗岭的早晨) - Morning of Miao Hills

1974 - Yi Meng Song (沂蒙颂) - Ode to the Yimeng Mountains

1974 - Hong Xing Zhao Wo Qu Zhan Dou (红星照我去战斗) - The Red Star Shines Me to Fight

1974 - Ying Shan Hong (映山红) - Red Azalea

1973 - Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin (月亮代表我的心) - The Moon Represents My Heart

1971 - Yang Bian Cui Ma Yun Liang Mang (扬鞭催马运粮忙) - Delivering Public Grain with Horse Carts

1971 - Shan Dan Dan Hua Kai Hong Yan Yan (山丹丹开花红艳艳) - Red Lilies Crimson and Bright

1970 - Wo Ai Zhe Lan Se De Hai Yang (我爱这蓝色的海洋) - I Love This Blue Sea

1969 - Pa Mi Er De Chun Tian (帕米尔的春天) - Spring of the Pamirs

1960s - Nan Ping Wan Zhong (南屏晚钟) - Evening Bell at Nanping Hill

1964 - Ying Xiong Zan Ge (英雄赞歌) - Praise to Heroes

1964 - Ma Ling Er Xiang Lai ... (马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱) - Bird Singing Along With Horse Bell Ringing

1964 - Wo Wei Zu Guo Xian Shi You (我为祖国献石油) - Dedicate The Oil To My Motherland

1964 - Hong Mei Zan (红梅赞) - Red Plum Praise

1964 - Dong Ting Yu Mi Xiang (洞庭鱼米乡) - Dongting Land of Fish and Rice

1964 - Sai Ma (赛马) - Horse Race

1963 - Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong (花儿为什么这样红) - Why Are All the Flowers so Red

1962 - Wu Su Li Chuan Ge (乌苏里船歌) - Boat Song On The Ussuri

1962 - Ma Er A Ni Man Xie Zou (马儿啊,你慢些走) - Run Slower, My Pony

1961 - Shui Bu Shuo An Jia Xiang Hao (谁不说俺家乡好) - My Beautiful Hometown

1961 - Xiao Qu Hao Chang Kou Nan Kai (小曲好唱口难开) - Hard to Open Mouth to Sing a Good Ballad

1961 - Hong Hu Shui Lang Da Lang (洪湖水浪打浪) - Endless Wave in Lake Honghu

1960 - Shan Ge Hao Bi Chun Jiang Shui (山歌好比春江水) - Folk Song Flows Like Spring River

1960 - Jin Ping Shi De Xiao Shan (金瓶似的小山) - Little Hill Like Gold Bottle

1960 - Jing Diao (京调) - Beijing Opera Tune

1959 - Cao Yuan Zhi Ye (草原之夜) - Night on the Prairie

1959 - Hu Die Quan Bian (蝴蝶泉边) - Beside the Butterfly Spring

1959 - Ren Shuo Shan Xi Hao Feng Guang (人说山西好风光) - Good Scenery Lies in Shanxi

1958 - Liang Zhu (梁祝, 梁山伯与祝英台) - Butterfly Lovers

1958 - Xi Yang Yang (喜洋洋) - Boisterous Elation

1958 - Cai Cha Wu Qu (采茶舞曲) - Tea Picking Dance

1957 - Hun Shi (婚誓) - Wedding Vow

1957 - Jiu Jiu Yan Yang Tian (九九艳阳天) - A Bright Sunny Day In Autumn

1956 - Tan Qi Wo Xin Ai De Tu Pi Pa (弹起我心爱的土琵琶) - Plunking My Favorite Native Lute

1956 - Wo De Zu Guo (我的祖国) - My Motherland

1955 - Liao Kuo De Cao Yuan (辽阔的草原) - The Vast Grassland

1955 - Rang Wo Men Dang Qi Shuang Jiang (让我们荡起双桨) - Let Us Sway Twin Oars

1954 - Lv Dao Xiao Ye Qu (绿岛小夜曲) - Serenade of the Green Island

1954 - Tian Xian Pei (天仙配) - Fairy Couple

1953 - Mu Ge (牧歌) - Pastoral Song

1953 - Ao Bao XIang Hui (敖包相会) - Meeting at the Obo

1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix

1952 - Qin Qiang Pai Zi Qu (秦腔牌子曲) - Tunes from Shanxi Opera

1951 - Cao Yuan Shang Sheng Qi ... (草原上升起不落的太阳) - The Never-Setting Sun Rises Over the Prairie

1951 - Jiang He Shui (江河水) - River of Sorrow

1951 - A Xi Tiao Yue (阿细跳月) - A Xi Dancing Under the Moon

1951 - Yao Zu Wu Qu (瑶族舞曲) - Yao Dance

1951 - Liu Yang He (浏阳河) - Liuyang River

1900 - 1949: Best Music in the First Half of the 20th Century

Before 1900: Best Ancient Music



1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix - 修改于2021, Dr. Herong Yang

1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.